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Specialization in Operative Dentistry (MEC / CFO)

Approved by the Brazilian Education Ministry (MEC) and the Federal Council of Dentistry (CFO). CFO order No. 589/2006
Course Objectives
Operative Dentistry is a branch of specialty which deals with the prevention and treatment of carious processes, defects, and other aesthetic  considerations involving the natural teeth. It also involves the maintenance and restoration of the functional physiologic integrity of teeth as they relate to other hard and soft tissue structures of the oral cavity.
  • Specialist in Dentistry, by the University Centre FUNVIC;
  • Recognized by Brazilian Ministry of Education
  • Recognized by Brazilian Federal Council of Dentistry
José Júnior Chibebe, DSc.
  • Expert in Restorative Dentistry
  • Integrated Master in Medicine
  • Master in Dentistry
  • Doctor in Oral Biopathology
Professors of Specific Subjects
  • Chibebe Júnior José, DSc.
  • Vieira Mônica Maria Santiago Fonseca, MSc.
Modules Monthly
  • 18 modules of 3 days each, in Portugal (Lisbon and Porto);
  • 2 modules of 10 days each - Brazil (University Centre FUNVIC);
  • 1 module of 05 days - Brazil (University Centre FUNVIC).

Total of 21 modules

Number of Hours
  • 18 monthly modules of 24 hours each, total of  432 hours - Portugal;
  • 2 modules of 10 days and 1 module of 5 days, total of 250 hours - Brazil;
  • 68 hours for extra class studies;
  • Guided studies (literature review, work, seminars, articles, and Poster Monograph);
  • Subjects of Concentration Area - 448 hours;
  • Subjects of Correlated Area  and Obligatory Subjects - 234 hours;
  • Distance Learning - 68 hours;
  • Total hours - 750
General Information
Coordinator: José Júnior Chibebe, DSc.
Claudemir de Carvalho, Dr. - Coordinator of Research, Post graduation and  Extension
Phone: (+55 12) 3648-8323 - Ext.: 227
Office hours: 07:30 am to 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm to 04:00 pm (Brazilian Time Zone UTC -03:00)

Summary of program content

Operative Dentistry
  • Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry;
  • Treatment  planning  and esthetic  enhancement;
  • Modern techique of dental isolation;
  • Rubber Dam Placement;
  • Shade Selection;
  • Dental Bleaching;
  • In-Office technique –  vital and  non-vital;
  • Professionally supervised take-home bleaching; 
  • “Walking bleach”;
  • Association of techniques;
  • Dental adhesives  – total etch  and self etch;
  • Techniques and materials for substrate dental protection.
Direct Restorations
Inlays, Onlays & Overlays
Auxiliary Procedures

Sobre a Funvic

A FUNVIC – Fundação Universitária Vida Cristã é uma fundação educacional privada sem fins lucrativos, com sede na cidade de Pindamonhangaba, no interior de São Paulo, no Brasil; localizada no principal eixo socioeconômico da América Latina, situada entre as duas maiores cidades do Brasil, São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro.

Acesse aqui o Relatório de transparência e Igualdade Salarial - LEI 14.611.


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