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Welcome to the Post Graduation Program of the University Centre FUNVIC

Welcome to the Post Graduation Program of the University Centre FUNVIC

The Christian Life University Foundation (FUNVIC) by means of the University Centre FUNVIC develops a National and International Program of Postgraduate in areas of Biological Sciences, Exact and Humanities, which aims to prepare and train professionals from Brazil and foreign countries with excellence in knowledge and skills in various specialties of their respective professions.

With a creationist view, based on principles and fundamentals, works to train professionals that will be able to overcome the challenges of a globalized world.

Born from a Divine inspiration, the FUNVIC mission is to change dreams into reality, professional activities into great business opportunities and improve the quality of family life and surroundings society, contributing to the development and growth of the nation.

His Christian philosophy allows the valuation of the human being as image and likeness of God, being applied in his forming and personal growth, contributing to institutional development.

The institution has a prominent team of experienced and highly qualified professionals that participate in the postgraduate program, ready to develop pedagogical contents and activities of clinical and business.

Sobre a Funvic

A FUNVIC – Fundação Universitária Vida Cristã é uma fundação educacional privada sem fins lucrativos, com sede na cidade de Pindamonhangaba, no interior de São Paulo, no Brasil; localizada no principal eixo socioeconômico da América Latina, situada entre as duas maiores cidades do Brasil, São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro.

Acesse aqui o Relatório de transparência e Igualdade Salarial - LEI 14.611.


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Clube Unesco Funvic
